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Let’s know about the electronic mail

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The message that has to be sent by the help of the electronic is called electronic mail. The emails are playing an important feature or factor in the day to day uses.

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There are many types of mail

They are electronic mail, Google mail, rocketmail sign up , safari mail, and many others. The word mail is not is the new word. In ancient times the kings are sent the emails or messages through the bird to the wanted person to know. So, they have a pet bird-like pigeon and dove for that purpose. So, it has to convey the messages from one place to another. Nowadays the modes of transportation are different but the way of place is to remain the same at all times.

The next slowly the government of their countries is states implement the post office in all the places. If one person wants to send the letter to another person the post office plays that vital role. That man writes the necessary things and puts the letter in one paper cover that is courier cover or letter cover. At the front by filling the from address and the two addresses on the paper. And get to the post office and buy a stamp for some money they said. The money differs from places to places. After pasting the stamp, the post box is placed on the front of the post office. So, we put the letter in the post box. After a week the van for the post office collects the letter and is distributed to the main cities. The letter is dispatched in the post office. The postman for the particular area is to collect the letters from the post office and distribute them to the correct address where the letter wants to go. This is the system of the post office. The government has played an important role in it.

After the post office telegram played a major role and followed by the telegram the fax machines play a vital role in the distribution of the messages. And the inven6of the telephones they are played a most important role still now.

After the invention of the computer, the slowly the electronic mail called email observe the main things. That all of them are started to use the mail. Till now the email plays an important vital role. First, to send the mail we want to create the email I’d and the receiver also has their mail I’d so that the mail can be sent. The mail is the main thing that we use in the day to day needs. It is an important thing. So, all the one has to create their mail I’d. The mail id is more important than the phone number. Because the phone number is mainly used only in one country but the mail is used in all the countries in the world. So, it is very easy to communicate. Only the internet is needed to use mail services. So, the mails are the very main important and the vital things that all the maximum world people are used for communication. So, it is very important to care for mail I’d.