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Texas Electric Services and Your Choice

Power to Choose Texas

Thousands of people isolated from the snow, entire villages left without electricity and heating for many days. The recent dramatic events recorded have raised much concern with regard to emergency management. Who should I contact to ask for help in the event of a blackout due to bad weather? With the Power to Choose Texas electric suppliers, you can make the best choices now.

A snowfall like not seen for 50 years, an earthquake and 330 thousand people who remain hostage to cold and frost for days and days. Situations like the one that occurred in recent weeks really represent extreme cases, but the blackouts due to bad weather are certainly not uncommon. Faced with a power outage, you always panic, partly because it happens suddenly, a little because you never know who to call for help.

Power to Choose Texas

It is not psychosis: whoever is worried knows that a prolonged blackout involves the isolation of the telephone, the impossibility of recharging mobile phones, blocking the boiler and heating, blocking heat pumps and water pumps that put pressure on the water.

Here are the information and useful numbers to know and keep in mind if you should ever have to manage a sudden power outage due to, for example, bad weather.

In the event of a blackout you do not have to call the fire brigade unless there is someone in danger of course, and not even your energy supplier who is not competent on the electricity network; the one who repairs the faults is the distributor.

Who is the Electric Energy Distributor?

The distributor is the body responsible for transporting and delivering the current to the private network and is also required to maintain the infrastructure, consisting of control units, cables and pylons. The supplier, with whom you contracted, for example, Asm Set Rovigo, is instead the company that deals with the sale of electricity and billing. The number to call in case of malfunction, blackout or service interruption is 803 500 for everyone, regardless of the supply contract.

We recommend that you save the number on your mobile phone book so that you have it available when you need it. Once the fault report has been registered, the technicians must intervene within an hour.

Not everyone knows that in the event of a prolonged interruption there is also a compensation system to partially compensate for the inconvenience or damage suffered, which is triggered in the event of a power cut due to avalanches, tornadoes and other unpredictable accidents. The money is automatically reimbursed in the bill without a request being made.

Power failure

In reality, the maximum limit for redemptions is 3 days: no emergency plan assumes a longer break-even if, as we have seen recently, some countries have been reached again by the public service after more than a week.

We believe that being informed is the first step towards an informed consumption of energy. The right information pushes you to take corrective actions and the more you keep yourself updated, the more you will know how to act effectively both in the management of emergencies as a blackout and in the choice of the most convenient rates and the most reliable supply companies. If your goal is savings you need to learn how to do it the smart way.